Club Information
The Natchaug Amateur Radio Club members have diverse backgrounds but we all share an interest in amateur radio. Most of our members are located in Eastern Connecticut. Licensed amateur radio operators may apply for full membership. Unlicensed persons may apply for associate membership, which carries all privileges except for voting rights.
General comments and questions may be directed to: admin @ narchaugradio [dot] com

On the Air
We operate an open repeater located in Lebanon, CT. The NA1RC repeater is on 147.300 MHz, + offset, 77.0 PL. The repeater TX, RX and power supply were recently re-capped and re-aligned and performance now exceeds our expectations. A lot of military and space-qualified parts were installed (thanks to the wonders of surplus), and we expect the machine to be very reliable.
An informal net gathers some evenings on or near 3737 kHz during the summer months, with operations moved to 1992.500 kHz during the remainder of the year. We use the spring and fall Nearfest events as rough guidance on when to make the switch.

Our History
Our club has a long history in the community, starting out as the Willimantic Radio Club in the late 1940s. The club was reorganized in 1954 and was involved in education and stimulating emergency exercises. Although the club became inactive in the early 1970s, former Willimantic club members established the Natchaug Amateur Radio Association, which later became the Natchaug Amateur Radio Club. We are proud of our history and continue to be active in the community and promote the use of amateur radio as a means of communication and service.